Coordination Technique Pour Le Developpment (CTD) logo

Coordination Technique Pour Le Developpment (CTD)

MISSION OF CTD: The Development of Man
In October 1997, shortly after the death of the cruel Congolese military dictator Mobutu Sese Seki in September 1997, a group of young, idealistic professionals created an organization to use their combined talents for humanitarian purposes. Thus the non-profit, non-governmental, apolitical organization, Coordination technique pour le developpement, was formed. They were hopeful that a new government in Democratic Republic of Congo would foster opportunities for personal freedom and economic growth for the impoverished Congolese people. The first meeting included 5 agronomists, 1 doctor, 3 sociologists, 1 nurse, 1 veterinarian, 1 economist, and 2 rural development technicians. Within 3 weeks, CTD was established on Oct. 26, 1997, for "The Development of Man." A ten member board was organized, including a president, vice-president (Jacques Mwinkeu), and 2 treasurers.
CTD was formally recognized by the City of Lubumbashi on Oct. 28, 1997. Unfortunately, the next national government in DRC was another dictatorship and provided no services for the people: no schools, no roads, no clean water, no sewers, no electricity, no sidewalks, no libraries, nothing to promote economic growth and personal freedom. Only taxation to support President Kabila and his army.
Amazingly this group of young professionals has continued to perform humanitarian work, fighting against poverty, for 20 years! CTD, also known as CPC, does not have staff and employees. The work is voluntary. Currently there are 5 agronomists, 2 rural development technicians, 2 women experts in genres and families, 1 woman nurse, and 1 woman economist. CTD/CPC's money comes from members' contributions, donations, bequeaths, international and humanitarian aid, and small income from work produced. The qualified technicians and agronomists provide training to villagers on cropping techniques, such as crop rotation, fallow land, use of chemical fertilizers, composting, and more. This NGO has great experience with the supervision of villagers, and they know very well those who are serious and credible. The poverty-stricken villagers do not contribute money to CTD, although they may be asked to repay some expenses as their incomes increase. CTD/CPC continues to work for "The Development of Man."
In Aug. 2017, I (Janet Cook) was approached by Jacques Mwinkeu, an original CTD member, to find financing for a CTD micro-farming project. This project, Project to Support the Improvement of Corn Yield, is true to the 20 mission of CTD/CPC and typical of their work for "The Development of Man."
Attracted by the opportunity to fight poverty in DRC, the self-sustainability of the project, and my personal knowledge of Jacques Mwinkeu's integrity, a friend agreed to finance this micro-farming project. Following is an overview of this particular CTD/CPC project for which we are in the process of obtaining funding, translated by Google and myself.
Coordination technique pour le developpement
Tel: 099 558 77 03 081 687 4625
Office: No.350 114 Avenue Common Pin KANPEMBA Province Haut Katanga DR CONGO
1) PROJECT TITLE: Project to Support the Improvement of Corn Yield
2) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY: NGO / D Coordination Technology Development
3) Organization of execution: Technical Office of CPC/CTD
5) RADIUS OF ACTION: Valley Kafubu
Villages: Chileuge, Kibulu, Mwenda, Kiponda, and Kamankanga
9) DURATION: 1 Year, then self-sustaining, expand to new villages
The nongovernmental organization, Coordination Technical Development, also known as CTD and CPC, was formed 20 years ago. CPC's seasoned agronomists work with peasant farmer organizations principally in field work (food crops and market garden) specifically to improve cultivation techniques through teaching in the field.
Corn is the main cash crop for all farm households in the mining highlands near Lubumbashi. The successive falling performance each crop year in vegetable growing sectors made the need for a program to help peasant organizations apparent.
In the years, 1980 to 1992 farmers made good yields of over 5 tons of production in 1 hectare of corn. That good production was due to the granting of credit for fertilizer and a coaching staff from CMG Mining Company through its social development office. The repayment of this credit was in kind from the harvest. The system of granting loans (credit) in chemical fertilizers, followed by technical supervision by CMG raised the standard of living for farmers and social stability within the farmer's family. Unfortunately, since the fall of CMG Mining Company, the agricultural extension program has disappeared and consequently the social situation of farmers deteriorated because farmers were no longer able to pay the exorbitant price of fertilizer----which is currently $55 to $65 per 50 kg bag. Farmers manually plow and sow large areas, but without fertilizers, the harvest is very low. Current yields are only 800 kg/hectare.
Because of the soil (pH) in the mining highlands near Lubumbashi, the amount of chemical fertilizers needed to have a good corn crop production is 400 kg to 500 kg of fertilizer per hectare, (8 to 10 bags of 50 kg) plus 25 kg of hybrid seed/hectare.
The ngo CTD/CPC with Organization Peasant Association is launching a cry of alarm to philanthropic organizations and people of good faith to help save lives of thousands of field working families.
This pilot project is to start with an area of 50 hectares at the rate of 1 hectare/agricultural household. 50 families will be the main beneficiaries during a year's cropping season. Each farm household cultivating 1 hectare will receive a loan of chemical fertilizers 400 kg (ie 8 bags of 50 kg equal to 4 bags of NPK and 4 urea bags) and 25 kg of hybrid maize seed. During harvesting, each family will receive 40 empty 50 kg bags to put 2000 kg of grain to pay at harvest.
In addition to fertilizer, seed, and empty bags, each beneficiary will receive technical supervision of CTD Agronomists. The Agronomist will be tasked to advise the farmer, beginning with the field measuring, plowing, and growing until harvest.
Individual fields are located in the 5 villages inside Kafubu Valley, in a 60km area to ease the mobility of Agronomists who regularly use the motor bike.
The distribution of inputs will be after the field visit by the CTD Agronomist accompanied by a member of the monitoring committee to be elected in each village. A contract listing supervision and repayment terms will be signed jointly by the CPC, the beneficiary farmer, and a member of the community monitoring committee.
Members of the Peasant Organization and other Farmers are the direct beneficiaries of agricultural inputs and technical supervision.
*To facilitate increased corn yield
*To contribute to food self-sufficiency
*To fight against poverty
The project is based on a loan of agricultural inputs consisting of 400 kg of chemical fertilizers, 200 kg urea, 25 kg of seed hybrid maize, 40 vacuum packing bags, and technical guidance.
The cost of this credit is:
400 kg of fertilizer---8 bags of 50 kg x $ 55 = $ 440
40 vacuum packing bags of 50 kg x 0.37 = $ 15
25 kg of hybrid seed x $3 = $75
Per diem for agronomists, fuel and lubricant motorcycle, transportation of fertilizer and corn=$95
USD 440 + 15 + 75 + 95 = Usd $625
5.1 Repayment
The grain corn price in the local market is Usd 0.32/kg so the credit granted Usd $625 gives a weight of 2,000 kg of maize grain to repay. Generally each farm household will have the duty to repay an amount of 2000kg of grain corn. After repayment of grain corn, the project will have a stock of 2,000kg x 50 (50 agricultural households) = 100.000kg corn grain to repay.
5.2 Project location
The project will be implemented in 5 sites (villages) in the valley Kafubu: Chilenge, Mwenda Kibulu, Kiponda and Kamakanga.
5.3 Activities to conduct
Acquire financing. Acquire input supply. Enroll 50 farm households. Visit and measure fields of each beneficiary. Training and signing of agreement. Distribution of inputs. Monitoring fields. Harvest. Reimbursement. Corn storage.
5.4 Financing
CTD's input=$4750usd Funding requested=$26500usd
After repayment of 2000kg corn, each Agricole will have on average corn 3500kg grain remaining. Each agricultural household will keep the family ration of 12 50kg bags of maize (600kg) for a 12 month supply. The 58 other bags (2900kg) will be held for sale or 2900kg x $0.32/ kg = $ 925 profit. The beneficiary will be able to buy own agricultural inputs for 1 Ha to grow maize for the next campaign.
The 100.000kg corn repayment by farmers will be sold by CTD/CPC at the local market price. 100.0000kg x 0.32 = $32,000usd. In that amount of Usd $32,000, NGO / A CPC shall have the duty to recover the loan money granted to the project of Usd$4,750 and the difference is Usd 32,000 - Usd 4.750 = USD$27,750 will be to purchase of another batch of agricultural inputs for the new beneficiary (50 agricultural households) for the next campaign.
We note that the project may gain from the sale of corn grain a slight surplus ($27750-$26490) = $740usd. The use of this money will be decided by the committee either added to the beneficiary members or be used for any other purpose useful to the project. Of course, if corn price goes down, the project will have less surplus.
Lubumbashi on 14 July 2017.

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Professionalize and empower 180 Congolese families logo

Professionalize and empower 180 Congolese families

MISSION OF CTD: The Development of Man
In October 1997, shortly after the death of the cruel Congolese military dictator Mobutu Sese Seki in September 1997, a group of young, idealistic professionals created an organization to use their combined talents for humanitarian purposes. Thus the non-profit, non-governmental, apolitical organization, Coordination technique pour le developpement, was formed. They were hopeful that a new government in Democratic Republic of Congo would foster opportunities for personal freedom and economic growth for the impoverished Congolese people. The first meeting included 5 agronomists, 1 doctor, 3 sociologists, 1 nurse, 1 veterinarian, 1 economist, and 2 rural development technicians. Within 3 weeks, CTD was established on Oct. 26, 1997, for "The Development of Man." A ten member board was organized, including a president, vice-president (Jacques Mwinkeu), and 2 treasurers.
CTD was formally recognized by the City of Lubumbashi on Oct. 28, 1997. Unfortunately, the next national government in DRC was another dictatorship and provided no services for the people: no schools, no roads, no clean water, no sewers, no electricity, no sidewalks, no libraries, nothing to promote economic growth and personal freedom. Only taxation to support President Kabila and his army.
Amazingly this group of young professionals has continued to perform humanitarian work, fighting against poverty, for 20 years! CTD, also known as CPC, does not have staff and employees. The work is voluntary. Currently there are 5 agronomists, 2 rural development technicians, 2 women experts in genres and families, 1 woman nurse, and 1 woman economist. CTD/CPC's money comes from members' contributions, donations, bequeaths, international and humanitarian aid, and small income from work produced. The qualified technicians and agronomists provide training to villagers on cropping techniques, such as crop rotation, fallow land, use of chemical fertilizers, composting, and more. This NGO has great experience with the supervision of villagers, and they know very well those who are serious and credible. The poverty-stricken villagers do not contribute money to CTD, although they may be asked to repay some expenses as their incomes increase. CTD/CPC continues to work for "The Development of Man."
In Aug. 2017, I (Janet Cook) was approached by Jacques Mwinkeu, an original CTD member, to find financing for a CTD micro-farming project. This project, Project to Support the Improvement of Corn Yield, is true to the 20 mission of CTD/CPC and typical of their work for "The Development of Man."
Attracted by the opportunity to fight poverty in DRC, the self-sustainability of the project, and my personal knowledge of Jacques Mwinkeu's integrity, a friend agreed to finance this micro-farming project. Following is an overview of this particular CTD/CPC project for which we are in the process of obtaining funding, translated by Google and myself.
Coordination technique pour le developpement
Tel: 099 558 77 03 081 687 4625
Office: No.350 114 Avenue Common Pin KANPEMBA Province Haut Katanga DR CONGO
1) PROJECT TITLE: Project to Support the Improvement of Corn Yield
2) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY: NGO / D Coordination Technology Development
3) Organization of execution: Technical Office of CPC/CTD
5) RADIUS OF ACTION: Valley Kafubu
Villages: Chileuge, Kibulu, Mwenda, Kiponda, and Kamankanga
9) DURATION: 1 Year, then self-sustaining, expand to new villages
The nongovernmental organization, Coordination Technical Development, also known as CTD and CPC, was formed 20 years ago. CPC's seasoned agronomists work with peasant farmer organizations principally in field work (food crops and market garden) specifically to improve cultivation techniques through teaching in the field.
Corn is the main cash crop for all farm households in the mining highlands near Lubumbashi. The successive falling performance each crop year in vegetable growing sectors made the need for a program to help peasant organizations apparent.
In the years, 1980 to 1992 farmers made good yields of over 5 tons of production in 1 hectare of corn. That good production was due to the granting of credit for fertilizer and a coaching staff from CMG Mining Company through its social development office. The repayment of this credit was in kind from the harvest. The system of granting loans (credit) in chemical fertilizers, followed by technical supervision by CMG raised the standard of living for farmers and social stability within the farmer's family. Unfortunately, since the fall of CMG Mining Company, the agricultural extension program has disappeared and consequently the social situation of farmers deteriorated because farmers were no longer able to pay the exorbitant price of fertilizer----which is currently $55 to $65 per 50 kg bag. Farmers manually plow and sow large areas, but without fertilizers, the harvest is very low. Current yields are only 800 kg/hectare.
Because of the soil (pH) in the mining highlands near Lubumbashi, the amount of chemical fertilizers needed to have a good corn crop production is 400 kg to 500 kg of fertilizer per hectare, (8 to 10 bags of 50 kg) plus 25 kg of hybrid seed/hectare.
The ngo CTD/CPC with Organization Peasant Association is launching a cry of alarm to philanthropic organizations and people of good faith to help save lives of thousands of field working families.
This pilot project is to start with an area of 50 hectares at the rate of 1 hectare/agricultural household. 50 families will be the main beneficiaries during a year's cropping season. Each farm household cultivating 1 hectare will receive a loan of chemical fertilizers 400 kg (ie 8 bags of 50 kg equal to 4 bags of NPK and 4 urea bags) and 25 kg of hybrid maize seed. During harvesting, each family will receive 40 empty 50 kg bags to put 2000 kg of grain to pay at harvest.
In addition to fertilizer, seed, and empty bags, each beneficiary will receive technical supervision of CTD Agronomists. The Agronomist will be tasked to advise the farmer, beginning with the field measuring, plowing, and growing until harvest.
Individual fields are located in the 5 villages inside Kafubu Valley, in a 60km area to ease the mobility of Agronomists who regularly use the motor bike.
The distribution of inputs will be after the field visit by the CTD Agronomist accompanied by a member of the monitoring committee to be elected in each village. A contract listing supervision and repayment terms will be signed jointly by the CPC, the beneficiary farmer, and a member of the community monitoring committee.
Members of the Peasant Organization and other Farmers are the direct beneficiaries of agricultural inputs and technical supervision.
*To facilitate increased corn yield
*To contribute to food self-sufficiency
*To fight against poverty
The project is based on a loan of agricultural inputs consisting of 400 kg of chemical fertilizers, 200 kg urea, 25 kg of seed hybrid maize, 40 vacuum packing bags, and technical guidance.
The cost of this credit is:
400 kg of fertilizer---8 bags of 50 kg x $ 55 = $ 440
40 vacuum packing bags of 50 kg x 0.37 = $ 15
25 kg of hybrid seed x $3 = $75
Per diem for agronomists, fuel and lubricant motorcycle, transportation of fertilizer and corn=$95
USD 440 + 15 + 75 + 95 = Usd $625
5.1 Repayment
The grain corn price in the local market is Usd 0.32/kg so the credit granted Usd $625 gives a weight of 2,000 kg of maize grain to repay. Generally each farm household will have the duty to repay an amount of 2000kg of grain corn. After repayment of grain corn, the project will have a stock of 2,000kg x 50 (50 agricultural households) = 100.000kg corn grain to repay.
5.2 Project location
The project will be implemented in 5 sites (villages) in the valley Kafubu: Chilenge, Mwenda Kibulu, Kiponda and Kamakanga.
5.3 Activities to conduct
Acquire financing. Acquire input supply. Enroll 50 farm households. Visit and measure fields of each beneficiary. Training and signing of agreement. Distribution of inputs. Monitoring fields. Harvest. Reimbursement. Corn storage.
5.4 Financing
CTD's input=$4750usd Funding requested=$26500usd
After repayment of 2000kg corn, each Agricole will have on average corn 3500kg grain remaining. Each agricultural household will keep the family ration of 12 50kg bags of maize (600kg) for a 12 month supply. The 58 other bags (2900kg) will be held for sale or 2900kg x $0.32/ kg = $ 925 profit. The beneficiary will be able to buy own agricultural inputs for 1 Ha to grow maize for the next campaign.
The 100.000kg corn repayment by farmers will be sold by CTD/CPC at the local market price. 100.0000kg x 0.32 = $32,000usd. In that amount of Usd $32,000, NGO / A CPC shall have the duty to recover the loan money granted to the project of Usd$4,750 and the difference is Usd 32,000 - Usd 4.750 = USD$27,750 will be to purchase of another batch of agricultural inputs for the new beneficiary (50 agricultural households) for the next campaign.
We note that the project may gain from the sale of corn grain a slight surplus ($27750-$26490) = $740usd. The use of this money will be decided by the committee either added to the beneficiary members or be used for any other purpose useful to the project. Of course, if corn price goes down, the project will have less surplus.
Lubumbashi on 14 July 2017.


Public & Societal Benefit
No. 350144 Avenue de pin (Pending future move to Avenue Biayl Kalubwe, commune Lubumbashi)
Lubumbashi, Haut Katanga Provind 3485
Congo, Republic of theGoogle Maps

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